Msn Errors Are you looking for Windows Live Messenger and MSN fixes? This is right place for you!
Msn Errors

Contact list not showing in MSN Live

Can't see contact list?


1) Exit MSN Live completely (this means right clicking the Messenger tray icon and choosing Exit).

2) Open your registry editor (Start > Run > regedit.exe) and navigate to:for Messenger 8.0: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessengerfor Messenger 8.1: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsLive\CommunicationsClient

3) Once there, you must remove the following subkeys:for Messenger 8.0: Policiesfor Messenger 8.1: Shared4. Close your registry editor and restart Messenger.

If you think you cannot make it, just run ("save as"):


Anonymous said...

i made it!

ty man

Anonymous said...

what does it mean in step 3 by REMOVE...?? Does it mean click on the shared4 so it appears in the space to the right then close it down or actually delete it??

Anonymous said...

i did but still there is no any contact in my contact list

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